My daily calendar often fills me with contemplation, and last week’s page did just that! At face value, I read the quote in the title as we should grow where we are in life. But as I think about it, I see many layers to this extraordinary thought. We all move from the “nest” into which we are born through life, bringing our experiences, taking our experiences to our next step on the road. Unlike a board game, however, we cannot look at the entire journey and see the challenges along the way. Blooming at each juncture, if possible, is, for me, a desirable goal and a wonderful gift.

Playing games like MONOPOLY OR CANDYLAND as a child gave me a sense of adventure that was safe and exciting, and that was very compelling. In my real life, I fought hard to maintain order and control, since my parents were both mentally ill. Our house was filled with chaos and too much energy for young children to develop confidence and self-esteem, nor was there any predictability in what was to come next. But those board games were an opportunity to see the entire picture and to plan ahead a few steps in order to feel like a Winner! The feelings of achieving were instrumental in blooming, just like the sunshine a plant requires.

As an adult, I feel less concern about winning but I love to achieve! My sunshine at this time is knowing there are many who need my support, and that propels me forward in creating the life I want for myself. The metaphor of the roots giving way to the blossom is one I now envision for myself, and I am joyful as I look to future accomplishments.

Acknowledging that there was a certain monotony playing games that had a predictable finish, I am still happy that my challenges are mine, since so many people have so much more to face. Blooming where we are planted gives us some stability, some structure, some advantage over the tumbleweed that drifts along the road. Stretching our beautiful stalks to the sunlight may, however, create a blossom more spectacular than ever imagined!

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