There is so much more to be done to provide for ostomates, and I am fully committed to do whatever I can in that regard. My passion brings me fulfillment and moves me to do more. At a time in my life that felt like I may no longer be relevant, I have found challenges and accomplishments. I encourage you to find yours, because in my heart, I know confidence comes from doing and giving!  This past week, I had the pleasure of attending my two Ostomy Support Groups, and my confidence is soaring from the progress I see in front of me. The first, the Union County Ostomy Support Group of New Jersey (I know, the longest title on record!) has grown exponentially in the almost 5 years that I have been president. Not only have our numbers increased, but our closeness and support for each other is palpable. I have such belief in our members that when I speak with a new or future ostomate, I know there will be someone, beside myself, who will also be willing to act as mentor. It feels to me as if everyone remembers the way they felt at the beginning of their adjustment process, and wants to be there for those experiencing the same. Additionally, we are beyond fortunate to have the presence of our four Wound and Ostomy Care Nurses, Angela Natale-Ryan, Stephanie D’Andrea, Ronnie Funke and Pamela Hughes. In fact, we even have one of the very few outpatient Ostomy Centers in New Jersey, where ostomates are able to take advantage of their incredible knowledge and expertise. Please feel comfortable joining us on the second Tuesday of each month from 2:00-3:00 p.m. for our support group or make an appointment to visit our Center. Write to me and I will give you details about both.

The second group is one I have recently begun, with the help of Wound and Ostomy Nurses Denise Gerhab and Kimberly McKevitt, since there is such a need. It is the Robert Wood Johnson Ostomy Support Group at the Somerset Campus. We meet every other month on the second Wednesday of the month from 1:30 to 2:30, (June will be the next meeting) and again, I am happy to give you details. This is a new group, and as such, we are just getting to know each other. But there is so much energy already, and we even have representation from Stefanie Murphy from Convatec (manufacturers of ostomy supplies) each meeting. Together, we seem to be able to aid any new member and assure them they are where they need to be. Any questions or concerns can be addressed, because I am able to bring information from one group to the next and vice versa. In this way, I believe we are almost a “virtually connected” group!

There is so much more to be done to provide for ostomates, and I am fully committed to do whatever I can in that regard. My passion brings me fulfillment and moves me to do more. At a time in my life that felt like I may no longer be relevant, I have found challenges and accomplishments. I encourage you to find yours, because in my heart, I know confidence comes from doing and giving!

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