We may celebrate differently, we may eat different foods, we may even search for different things (Easter Eggs or Afikomen, which is matzoh) but we are all looking for the same thing, I believe...health, happiness, peaceful times, and blessings for all we love and adore.I admit that I am not a very religious person, but I am a spiritual one. My belief is that there is “something” we cannot define yet it is extremely powerful. And most importantly to me, I believe that by living a loving life, I am part of something special and quite beautiful. My giving of love comes back to me manifold, and for that, I am most grateful!

This holiday season is enjoyed by different faiths, all sharing the feeling of spring, rebirth of flowers, plants and trees, the singing of birds and a welcome to the end of frigid temperatures. The sun gives us more energy, the rain brings beauty rather than chilling our bones, and we look ahead to enjoying the outdoors.

I am most grateful for the recognition that regardless of how cold, snowy, icy, dark and depressing the winter may be, the birth of spring always follows. This metaphor for facing the scary times knowing there will be better times to follow, fills me with hope and appreciation. When I visit a patient who may be sicker than ever in their lives and very frightened, I consider the “rebirth” of their spirit, the healing power of our bodies and the instinctive fight that moves us ahead. I am empowered knowing that I have been in that position many times, so terribly, deathly ill. But my fight took over, and I can clearly help that person know there will be better days in the future. I am proof.

We may celebrate differently, we may eat different foods, we may even search for different things (Easter Eggs or Afikomen, which is matzoh) but we are all looking for the same thing, I believe…health, happiness, peaceful times, and blessings for all we love and adore. I send my wishes to you and yours for all of your celebrations to be beautiful, for the sun to shine and for you to hear the chirping of spring’s birds!

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