There are women in my life who are not mothers, and each year, when we celebrate Mothers Day, I feel awkward. So I have decided that in addition to Happy Mother’s Day, I am also saying Happy Ladies’ Day, a celebration for all women…they certainly deserve it.

Women, especially today’s women, are an incredible bunch. They no longer choose between career or family, they do it all. They no longer choose between charitable work or bringing in cupcakes for the classroom, they do it all. They no longer choose between being on the frontline with aging parents or shuttling their children to sports, music lessons, various therapies, they simply do it all! Yes, today’s woman is formidable, capable, valuable and still finds time to be affable and lovable. They run for political office, they run the boardroom, and for many, they still run the household.

As I grow older, I acknowledge the reality that what I need from the women in my life, of all ages, is a camaraderie…a sense of understanding, of sharing, of unraveling our emotions with one another, of getting to our core together. It is more about what we have in common and love about each other than having a huge group of “friends.” I go to “my ladies” for comfort when needed, advice when needed, support when needed, and I appreciate when they come to me for those same reasons. By surrounding myself with my incredible women, I grow and I flourish.

Let’s all celebrate the wonderful things the LADIES we know have done to enhance our lives, appreciate all they do and their many contributions to society, and recognize how fortunate we are to know and love them!

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