I bought a red lipstick today. That is nothing unique…I believe I have red lipstick from every cosmetic vendor at Bloomingdale’s, Nordstrom and Sephora. Additionally, I have every lip liner in, well, every line. I never get enough. And there is a reason for it. I feel strong, empowered, feminine and complete with my red lips. My smile is wider, and my eyes shine brighter!

In truth, I don’t wear my red lipstick every day. Easily seduced by trends, advertising pages and young models who want us to believe they are au natural after 2 hours in the makeup chair, I will eschew my red for a “nude” or more subdued shade. But those days, something is missing, and only I know that it is my signature that is missing.

Many women don’t wear any lipstick, so my red lips may scream at them. They may feel overpowered by the color of my mouth. When I was a Makeup Artist I had clients who would compliment me on my lip color, but state they “want a more natural look for themselves.” I absolutely understood what they were telling me, and I respected their desire to wear what they knew would make them more comfortable. Makeup, after all, is about enhancing, increasing self-esteem, looking our best, being ourselves and telling people who we are. We are not hiding under makeup, we are projecting our personalities.

An interesting fact is that during the Great Depression, red lipstick was the one item that women continued to purchase, save every penny they could, I assume, to own their favorite color and brand. Additionally, during both World Wars, women continued to buy and wear red lipstick despite their men serving overseas. Looking beautiful had to have helped to raise a sense of well-being at a time when the world was upside down.

A beautiful young Makeup Artist (wearing a glorious red lipstick which will soon be in my vanity) shared a story with me today as we were discussing her soon-to-be-released color. The cosmetic company she represents is donating a portion of all of the sales of these new lipsticks to countries where women live in dangerous conditions. She told me that one woman in one of these countries says she always wears red in the event she is shot, her murderers will know they have killed a strong and valiant woman…a woman with a voice. This story will haunt me forever, I am sure, but the message is clear, those with strength and determination are not afraid to be bold and be remembered.

My choice of lipstick may be in keeping with the clothing I am wearing on any given day, so it may be pink, coral, or nude. But I always feel my happiest in red lipstick, will continue to search the perfect red lipstick, and will be known for my red lipstick. It is fun to have a signature…something that is mine, part of my voice, part of being strong, empowered, feminine and complete!

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