Month: June 2019


There may be SUCH devoted sisters, but it is unlikely there are MORE devoted sisters than we are! WE are my two sisters, Michele and Mindy, and I, and like the song from White Christmas, a post-war movie from 1954, we are incredibly devoted. In fact, we sang that song all through our lives, from childhood to present, when we just celebrated a “sisters’ week” together. We grew up knowing no other way than to be devoted to each other…having two mentally ill parents pushes children into caring for each other in ways beyond the ken of those who grew up differently. But what we may have lost in nurturing, security and guidance, we more than made up for in support and confidence we would be there for each other. The three of us are similar in that we are loving, caring and dependable, and our strongest differences are in our interests: Michele’s passion is food preparation and appreciation and all the joy she brings with it; Mindy is very spiritual, checking in with friends and family regularly to ensure they are feeling her comforting hand from near and afar; and my passion is fashion, style and my connection to the writing of my thoughts and feelings. We toasted our parents this week many times, noting that they would have been proud of the magical belt that encircles our waists, keeping us forever, together!

Michele and Mindy have been to the Union County Ostomy Support Group of New Jersey several times as my family support. Although I am president of the group and have been for close to 5 years, it is so comforting to have my family members with me. We always encourage family and friends to see in action what daily life is like for an ostomate. Regardless of what pre-conceived notions those close to us may have, meeting others with a pouch is so informative.

During the 2 decades, I was sick before my ostomy, my sisters were with me through over 20 surgeries, countless hospitalizations, infections, and other near-death experiences. When I would awaken post-op, from my miasma, my husband, Bruce (my rock) was always there, and almost always, at least one of my sisters. Mindy came from Florida and slept by my side in the hospital when I felt most frightened, Michele laid next to my shivering body when infection or medication took hold of my body, and they never let me feel alone. I knew they would always be there for me because I would always be there for them. Our love transcends all the words in my vocabulary, in fact, all the words in my world.

My daughters and I are very close! We have thousands of invisible threads that tie us together, and even when one or two tear, there is a magical little silkworm that sews the threads back together. Over the years, we have weathered their growth, their need to separate, to develop as women, raise their families. […]

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I met a special lady this week. We have been in touch for a while, knew we were bound to lay eyes upon each other, but the situation hadn’t presented itself until now. The winter went by and as we looked at the calendar rapidly flying by, we knew the time was right for our in-person meeting.

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