I met a special lady this week. We have been in touch for a while, knew we were bound to lay eyes upon each other, but the situation hadn’t presented itself until now. The winter went by and as we looked at the calendar rapidly flying by, we knew the time was right for our in-person meeting. A little background…

Every other year, the United Ostomy Association of America (UOAA) has its national conference, and this summer it is in Philadelphia. Although I have never attended their conference, I was jumping on board for a few reasons, not the least is which I love Philly, my daughters and their families live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, right outside of Philly, and I have been involved enough in the UOAA to feel a part of things. Those are all compelling enough reasons to send my registration money. But when Jeanine, the Advocacy Manager for the UOAA asked me to speak on the advocacy work I have done, the wonderful results we have achieved, and the experience I had in Washington, DC in March, I was, well, all in. Then Jeanine got my total attention when she mentioned there is always a fashion show that ends the conference. My ears perked up, my pulse quickened and my mind imagined a runway, with me as the commentator at said fashion show…and that is what came to be. I will be the commentator for what promises to be the most fun fashion show the UOAA ever had! I have many years of fashion show experience, and over those years, it has always been the clothing that is the focus. But this fashion show focuses on something else, something very precious, people living with ostomies, with LIVING the operative word! We have professional models with ostomies, as well as simply “normal” people like myself, and since we are in the city of independence, our theme is INDEPENDENCE IS IN THE (OUR) BAG!

With that in mind, I was told that overseeing this function, as well as others, is Melissa, the Entertainment Coordinator for the conference. What an overwhelming job THAT can be, but Melissa is up to the task. She is a performer in Atlantic City, sings, writes music and verse, dances and is an all-around entertainer. And like all of us with ostomies, she has a story, and a way of coping that is just amazing! She began No You Cant’cer Foundation and it is thriving. I fell in love with Melissa because of her “I can do anything” attitude, as well as her focus on living with cancer,  does not detract, but rather defines and enhances her.

Like so many with disease or other medical issues, her life changed in a heartbeat, going from a healthy, vibrant, sultry singer to a woman with a pouch, treatment and all of the concomitants that attend such a lifestyle change. She has fight, she has spirit, she has focus and talent, and she has a loving way about her.

Our conference in August will be a major success because of people like Melissa. I will be writing about it as time approaches and will share some of the fun. Being with others who are living with pouches will be inspiring and energizing, and I will be doing my part to keep the fun going!

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