My daughters and I are very close! We have thousands of invisible threads that tie us together, and even when one or two tear, there is a magical little silkworm that sews the threads back together. Over the years, we have weathered their growth, their need to separate, to develop as women, raise their families. And their families include their girls, tied to them with thousands of other invisible threads. The girls of my girls, both 14 and seven weeks apart, are tied to me, as well, and the joy that brings me is indescribable! My grandsons have a very special place in my heart, but as they grow, what we have in common can fit into a thimble. We can no longer bond over Itsy Bitsy Spider or the joy on their toddler faces as we threw back and forth a nerf ball. And what 16 or 11 year old wants to “chat” with their grandma (Gummy, as I was named by my eldest grandson) anyway?

But the girls, now that is territory well-charted for me! As ladies, there is a never-ending “female connection”…no lull in the conversation, we can chat about anything and everything.

Maddie and Jessie are getting ready to graduate 8th Grade and move on to High School. We are watching them blossom before our eyes, as they go to their 8th Grade dance, graduation, and move closer to the next stage of their lives. Maddie, an artist, also made the Cheerleading team, while Jessie will pursue her incredible interest in theater and voice. They will make new friends, face new challenges and grow in ways I can remember doing myself.

I was their age when I met and fell “in like” with their Pop Pop. How can that be? I thought we were so mature, so grown up, so able to face the world. In contrast, I want to keep my grand dolls naive, protected and secure, but life has already had its hand in growing them. Their world does not hide anything from them, their sophistication is beyond my ken. They face a world in crisis on a regular basis but seem to move through it quite seamlessly.

When Jessie calls me to tell me she has gotten a callback or a role in a play, or Maddie has finished a painting she would like framed, they give me a gift that fills my soul. Perhaps they know that, and even if they don’t, my treasures abound. There will come a time when Jake will pick up Max from school and drive up to visit us, or he will call to tell me about a college acceptance, or Max a baseball game where he scored the winning run.

Grandparents watch from whatever vantage point we have, and we share whatever is possible to share. We love all of them with all our might, all our power, all our soul. They know that, they feel that, our total acceptance of their being is the gift we give them, and we treasure whatever they give back. Today, it is the 8th Grade Dance; may all of the tomorrows bring celebrations to our hearts.


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