Month: August 2019

Last Tuesday, August 20, 2019, I was very proud to present THE GIFT OF GRATITUDE/Overlook Foundation, Overlook Medical Center, Summit, New Jersey to our four Wound and Ostomy Nurses in honor of the creation of our dedicated Ostomy Center. This was the result of a gift my husband, Bruce, and I made recently, and I was so honored to make the presentation. Receiving the Gift of Gratitude were Angela Natale-Ryan, Stephanie D’Andrea, Ronnie Funke and Pam Hughes, better known by our Ostomy Support Group as our “Angels!”

Bruce and I are supporters of the Overlook Foundation and have been since I was so frequently a patient there for years. After each surgery or lengthy stay, I began to send a check thanking a particular physician, nurse or aide, and I was happy to make something positive out of my hospitalizations. Hoping that with my ileostomy in March 2014, those frequent hospitalizations are behind me, I now enjoy making gifts for other life’s events.

I believe in supporting many charities, but this one is truly my go-to, and I believe for all of us who have chronic issues, having a connection to our preferred hospital is a smart choice. As I explained to Eileen and Amanda from the Foundation, knowing that my wonderful and dependable surgeon, Dr. Paul Starker, as well as my many other physicians, the nursing and other professionals,  are all there, is such a source of comfort and confidence. And of course, having such an incredible connection to our Wound and Ostomy Nurses means that I do not have to worry about my ostomy care. Many Ostomates are treated by inexperienced and indifferent professionals, and it breaks my heart to know that they are frightened, very sick, and then under-treated or humiliated.

Please consider making a donation to your “go-to” place for medical care. We never know when we, Ostomates, will need it and our family will be more secure knowing we will be treated with the care we deserve!

Accompanied picture: Eileen Weiss, Overlook Foundation;  Katie Rosenthal, Nurse Manager, Overlook Medical Center; Angela Natale-Ryan, WOCN; Me,wearing a flower, since I always wear one when involved with ostomy support; Pam Hughes, WOCN; Ronnie Funke, WOCN. Missing are Stephanie D’Andrea, WOCN and Camille Honig.

Self-esteem comes from our own awareness that we are ABSOLUTELY more than fine the way we are. We must allow ourselves to be more than worthy and more than wonderful. It is so important to accept in ourselves what we accept in others…to be kind and caring to ourselves, to be nurturing and supportive, just way we would be to anyone we treasured!

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It was difficult to shift gears from one of the most difficult months of my life to throwing myself into attending the United Ostomy Association of America’s (UOAA) Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. My nephew Adam’s terribly aggressive illness and death so fresh in my heart, and knowing the sadness that surrounds the life of my […]

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