I have learned that it is always the right time to begin a TRADITION, as long as others are interested in participating. Fortunately, my daughters and granddaughters love Broadway theater, so a yearly TRADITION has been established. At the end of the summer, when school is still on the horizon but not on their doorstep, we all go to see a show that seems appropriate for all of them. Last year, the inception year, we saw MEAN GIRLS (oh, so fun!!!) and this year we just saw TOOTSIE (oh, even more fun!!!) Having had the pleasure of seeing it this spring with a wonderful Theater Group, I laughed through the entire performance. Seeing it with my family was even better…watching them laugh and “get the jokes and innuendos” was absolutely wonderful.

Our granddaughter, Jessie, is a Broadway Babe, and as such, has an entire routine mapped out for after a performance. That includes standing by the Stage Door to congratulate the performers on a great show and of course if they speak with her to mention something specific about their performance. She is so in her element anywhere in or around the theater, and I frequently tease her about the dress I will be wearing when she gets her first TONY! Of course, I will be watching at home, since her Plus One will be her mom, my daughter, Alli, because she is the one who drives her from South Jersey to all sorts of experiences, including rehearsals off-Broadway and in Brooklyn.

But Jessie’s post-show routine was changed after TOOTSIE because my dear friend, Trudy, was able to get us a visit with Sarah Stiles, who, in my opinion, is the firecracker in the show. She plays Sandy, Michael’s ex-girlfriend, and she is beyond fantastic. The first time I saw her in the show, I wanted to breathe for her. This time, I wanted to write down everything she was saying because I couldn’t believe a human being could get all of those words out at once! And by the way, she is as dynamic and adorable in person as she is on the stage. Warm and engaging, she could not have been more lovely to 5 star-struck women (can I call 14 year-olds women?)

Maddie is my granddaughter who loves art and costumes, so watching her take in the scenery and staging was so enjoyable, and her mom, my daughter, Emily’s laugh was as infectious and fun to hear as Maddie’s. I must have looked over to the four of my girls 25 times each act, just to watch them enjoy something I so much enjoy!

Who knows what next year will bring in terms of shows. The unknown will be known in due time, but what I do know is that we are creating this TRADITION, and G-d willing, it will continue for many years to come!

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