Last weekend, I had the honor of speaking to the NER (Northeast Regional) Conference of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses. It was very well attended numbering over 250 nurses, I am told. The Conference was held in a delicious spot, the Hershey Lodge in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and yes, it feels as if the entire world is sweet when you are there. I reflected back on taking our then 2 and a half-year-old grandson, Jake, for a weekend and how exciting everything must have looked through his tiny eyes. The Candy Bar characters walking through the corridors, the Candy Kisses lampposts, the Lodge streets with candy names must have seemed quite magical to him. I couldn’t help but feel in the midst of my own magic, meeting so many wonderful WOC Nurses there to share better ways to assist my community of Ostomates!

Since I wasn’t speaking until Saturday morning, I arrived on Friday afternoon and settled in for the night festivities. In the Conference Center, there were vendors and merchants displaying their newest options, including hernia supported workout wear (VANILLA BLUSH, and yes, they had the sexiest underwear!!!) as well as the leading suppliers of ostomy products such as Hollister, Marlen, ConvaTec and Coloplast. I noticed new hospital beds that offered comfort and care, and I had the pleasure of sitting at the United Ostomy Association of America booth with Jeanine Gleba, the Advocacy Manager. Many nurses stopped by to tell her that they loved all of the available information provided on the incredible UOAA website. Stations were set for yummy dinner and dessert, and booths were very well visited by the attendees. 

Saturday morning came quickly and I was ready…in fact, I was overready, if there is such a thing. I had gone over and over my presentation in my mind, and found myself on auto-pilot as the microphone was handed to me. In addition to wanting to tell my story, and its uniqueness in many ways, I wanted to mention all that I want to accomplish in making a difference for Ostomates. Before I knew it, time was up, and I couldn’t even remember starting! I do know that I acknowledged and thanked Angela Natale-Ryan, my mentor WOC Nurse, who has been by my side from the moment she marked me for my surgery to now. It was her invitation that brought me to Hershey, and gave me the opportunity to meet so many incredible people. I have loved and appreciated her for the 5 years!

To all Ostomates who have the support and knowledge of a WOCN, please take a minute and say THANK YOU! Without them, there is no way we can live our lives to their fullest. They enable us to get out of our homes and into our lives, and they do it with their determination and concern for us and our well-being. And for all who are in an Ostomy Support Group, I want to tell you that every year we have a GRATITUDE PARTY for our WOC’s. We used to do it around Thanksgiving but it is such a busy time for everyone, that we moved it to our January meeting. It is a wonderfully sweet way to begin the year, and offer our appreciation, as well as look ahead to a year of learning and living in the healthiest way!


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