It seems that it was only a few weeks ago that we celebrated Holiday Season, 2018, and already, we are rapidly opening the door to 2019! Thanksgiving was later than usual, so there is a sense of catching up, getting done, and moving quickly as the traditions and preparations dance in front of our eyes. Let me be one of the many to wish you a joyful season, and let me be one of those whispering in your ear to remember survival skills for Ostomates…

Please stay hydrated as the weather is dryer and the heat is on! I am always carrying my bottle of water, but even that doesn’t seem to quench my thirst. My skin is dry and cracked, my nose is, yes, dry and crusty, my throat is annoyed from the postnasal drip, and, well, you get the point…it is winter! Those of us with an ileostomy (especially a high-output stoma) intuitively know that we are in need of more hydration now, especially since dehydration goes hand in hand with exhaustion and confusion. Too much alcohol is negative and will add to our dehydration. We need to be at our best to fight the holiday shoppers and take advantage of those bargains.

Everywhere we go there are others in our midst, and that means more exposure to flu and other illnesses. I am a firm believer in probiotics and their ability to boost the immune system as it fights against attack. If I am taking an antibiotic, I triple my probiotics, which seems to make a huge difference in my digestion and intestinal issues. Washing hands is a life-saver, and I practice and recommend the interlocking fingers technique. It requires not only palm to palm friction washing, but pretend you are making a teepee and get germs and bacteria at the base of your fingers and throw them off. Additionally, staying home when feeling vulnerable helps buoy our defenses. We want to attend parties and festive gatherings, but we want to protect ourselves and others whenever possible.

Eating a well-balanced diet is crucial during the holidays. Those of us with ostomies cannot afford to “let go” of our need to monitor our diet. Weight gain or loss can change the fit of our appliance, and forgoing important vitamins and nutrients for goodies will leave us lethargic and listless. Enjoy within reason, and always be vigilant for foods that will cause blockages.

It is a wonderful time of year and I am so happy to report that Thanksgiving was special for so many with whom I spoke. We seem to appreciate our families, and treasure our friends, and my Gratitude Wish is for that to continue well into and throughout the next!

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