Month: February 2020

I love special occasions, and sometimes, I have to actually stop and acknowledge how grateful I am to be included in a celebration. Today was one of those times, and I want to say, Happy Birthday to Merle, a one in a million woman! A new friend, I learned more about her in the few hours of her party than I would under any other circumstances, I am certain.

She is active in her communities, cooks, bakes, entertains, writes, reads, is fluent in 5 languages, and looks gorgeous at the same time. She navigates the world as a Travel Agent, mentoring as she does so. Learned in the ways and customs of the societies she visits, I assume she could decipher not only the written word of these cultures but the spices in their foods.

The reason I am writing about Merle’s milestone birthday today is that she is such a giving lady. She holds tight to her fortunate family, leads by example, embraces memories of those who are gone and keeps them alive in her heart, lending a hand to all in need.

We share our love of writing and participate in the same writer’s club. When she reveals her deepest feelings, it is with sensitivity and thoughtfulness, caring and treasuring the written word and all it evokes. She is very special, and I am quite honestly in awe of her. My guess is that she doesn’t even realize that, since she is most interested in others…such a special and beautiful quality.

Happy Birthday, Merle, and thank you for including me in your celebration. As we have said to each other, we are new friends, but there is no doubt in my mind, we will become better and better friends. We share a passion for fashion, a deep love for our family, a recognition that it takes work to make positive changes in the world, particularly in our immediate world, and a commitment to show up and do what needs to be done. Neither of us will sit back and watch others bear the burden alone. Observing the love Merle has for others and they for her reinforced for me that although we are little beams of light in the universe, the universe truly glows brighter when certain people make their mark!

Our Ostomy Support Groups bring many together, and people attend for a variety of reasons. Some may be considering an ostomy, feel it is in their future, some may need specific information about clothing, food issues, intimacy, and some may be there to meet others like themselves. To me, anyone who steps out of their […]

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Setting the scene for you, imagine the patient who has controlled ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s Disease, or diverticulitis and is suddenly terribly symptomatic with infection and unremitting agonizing pain. Or consider the patient who has an accident in the intestinal region of their body. Or the patient who hears the news following a colonoscopy that […]

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