Wow, how the world has changed for us in the United States this week! Watching images of Italy, China, South Korea, etc. have been frightening, but now that the Corona Virus is banging down our door, many are fighting hysteria. Regardless of who you are, and where you live, concessions to this disease will be made and life will change, but hopefully, we will, when the dust settles, consider ourselves very fortunate and will look back on this scary time with overwhelming gratitude.

Washing our hands and avoiding crowds, coughing and sneezing into tissues which we then dispose, staying hydrated and getting enough rest are all extremely helpful practices. That cannot be stressed too much. But maintaining a positive outlook may also have a great deal to do with coping right now. More than lip service, being positive and optimistic, I have been told, helps with the production of chemicals that help heal from within. We will need that positivity when the going gets tough. Whether self-imposed or by a health professional-imposed quarantine, it can be difficult to change the pace with which we go through our daily lives. We are social beings, and being social makes us feel good. In this era of social distancing, we will have to find other ways to be and feel at our best. 

I acknowledge that it is certainly a sad state of affairs when sporting events, Broadway, religious celebrations and even weddings are closed, postponed and cancelled. The disappointment everyone involved feels is so warranted. And for all of those scheduled to graduate, take SATs and the like, or visit with loved ones, this is such a difficult and depressing time. I empathize and sympathize with all of you. Personally, we are unable to visit our Mom (my 95 1/2 year old Mother-in-law) because her assisted living facility is on shutdown.  But we appreciate that she is with others and has her meals, as well as medical care should she need it, a silver lining for us because we do not have to worry about her.   

As this week progresses, let’s hope to hear of more positive information coming. More test kits, better medical protocol, people helping others get through the hard times coming our way. Resilience, cleanliness, hydration, positivity and yes, optimism are choices we can make. At least that is the message I am giving myself right now!

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