There are certain things we ALL need, and this cutie pie has plenty of it in her cart! Anyone who went looking for toilet paper recently, in this Corona Virus era, has discovered that something essential to everyone is not necessarily, readily available. Personally, I returned to my supermarket three times to procure any toilet paper. Additionally, I use paper towels to dry Lily, my stoma, before applying my appliance, and none was available. Fortunately, the grocery truck made a delivery and I was able to garner my share of these paper products on my fourth trip. I want to point out that Ostomates need to be able to procure supplies on a regular basis, and we depend upon our suppliers to continue to function. We cannot afford to be without them, end of discussion!

The worry over so many things has us losing sleep, stressing about all details of our lives…supplies, the health of our families and ourselves, the safety of our community, the anticipation of what more is to come, will we have basic needs met, such as food? And for Ostomates, the added concern of what if we wind up in the hospital dehydrated from flu or Corona Virus? 

Let’s continue to be smart, proactive and optimistic…care for our personal hygiene, wear gloves when applicable, practice personal distancing, stay in touch with those in our lives remotely. Those things we can do.

Additionally, let’s practice gratitude for these days when we are well and can function in good health; perhaps we can keep a journal of how we spent the time away from the world; perhaps we can even start a new hobby or explore an interest kept in the back of our minds for far too long.

The toilet paper example is a reminder of the importance of supplies for Ostomates. Things can go from being important to becoming a necessity very quickly, and like diabetics needing supplies, what we need, we really need!

By the way, how cute is my little alter ego girlfriend? She is wearing an outfit that I can neither confirm nor deny that I have worn…particularly the pearls, leopard sunglasses and silver handbag! And yes, I have been known to wear them all together!!! A little levity for a time when we can all use it…stay healthy and safe, please!

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