Thank you to those Ostomates and Non-Ostomates who reached out to say they found my last post very helpful. Packing a bag is a universal method of being prepared should a trip to the hospital be necessary during this Covid 19 quarantine period. Doing this while able to function is so much better than being overtaken by the shock and fear of realizing that the disease has struck. Many believe that very few of us will be immune, but doing what we must is the only choice we have. In a discussion with my friend this morning, we actually fantasized about meeting for lunch, and how wonderful that will be…something we took for granted will never be taken for granted, again!

So, my next recommendation for preparedness is to assume that, despite all the rules we follow and all that we do to stay safe and healthy, we fall victim to the disease…now what? Here are a few things to help us better fight:

  • Gatorade or Pedialyte for dehydration. Granted, the very thought of them makes me gag, but if it helps to avoid a trip to the ER for fluids, I will somehow get them down. My grandson drinks Gatorade by the jug, and he prefers Lemon-Lime, which comes in Zero or Regular. What helps me to “stomach” the high salt content is that Ostomates, particularly Ileostomates like me, dehydrate very easily. Add that fact to a high temperature, another dehydrator, lack of interest or inability to drink, and that is a very poor downward spiral to enter. Last year, I had the flu, despite getting my immunization, and came close to needing the ER until I could get down my fever. 
  • Soups are strength-builders, and chicken soup is great not just for the soul! Having some on hand, even if it is a small sip every once in a while, will work miracles for our spirits and health.
  • Tylenol as directed by your doctor has been touted as helping with the aches and pains, and in a tough spot, I have been told to alternate Tylenol with Motrin, if your doctor agrees. Also, a cool compress behind the neck and even on the scalp usually help to bring down fever.

Give in to yourself and recognize this is not going away quickly. If you are able to fight and stay home, thank goodness, then take your time getting back to yourself. The virus will sap you of your strength, and time will help you heal. Be patient with yourself, and consider yourself fortunate!

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