My apologies if you are not blue, but it is pretty hard not to feel saddened by the isolation of this quarantine period. Social Distancing aside, the empty roads, the store shelves lacking, one-way aisles in supermarkets that some are adhering while others remain oblivious, backing away from shoppers, curfews…it is all too much!

Although we have no ability to change the world at large, we can make an effort for our daily activities to help us maintain our physical and emotional health. For my husband, Bruce, and me, exercise has a main place every day. Walking outdoors a few days a week is our “couples activity” and we do it even if the weather is cold and clearly unspringlike. Our walks invigorate us and make us feel very much alive. Our route is a shade under 3 miles and that is enough to get our cardio in gear, burn some calories easily consumed while home, and we connect for that close to 60 minutes period.

When it is a non-walking day, I am on my stationary recumbent bike, riding for 10 miles. I am not a speed demon, it takes me 45 minutes, but I am adept these days at multi-tasking…which includes watching television and talking on the phone, doing mindless knitting or crocheting. I know…crazy! But I am a Type A personality, with very little demands on my time right now.

Regardless of what you prefer to do, I encourage you to do it. Exercise helps with meditation (although you may need to silence your electronics) and releases good-feeling chemicals in the brain. It burns calories, stretches muscles, increases blood flow to the abdomen, organs and joints, and in general, provides a sense of accomplishment. I love to do mine early in the day, right after breakfast, so I am off to a good start. Others like to look forward to their workout toward the end of the day before a meal. There is no right or wrong, in my book, to help enhance your immune system and feel good at the same time…take a page from NIKE, and JUST DO IT!

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