It is apparent that we are in a new place in society, and although there are so many losses all around, there is so much to shout about proudly! And I am shouting praise to all of the incredible fundraisers that have become part of our lives right now. Some are on a huge scale, while some are grassroots movements. Some feature major television and Broadway stars, while some feature small children emptying their piggy banks to give to hospital workers.

In my family, we have a rock star, and it is my daughter, Allison Mantell Gollin. She and her friend Tama-Rose Bazzle,  have established an organization entitled ESSENTIAL EATS which provides food for, well, countless people. Tama-Rose had heard of an effort to feed medical personnel in Los Angeles and asked Alli if she would like to do something like that in the Cherry Hill area where they live. Alli knew of Brett Breslow through the theater community in that area, who was very sick at Cooper University Hospital and they decided that was a place to start…to thank all those working so hard to save Brett. They raised $700 in one night, and the rest is history. They have raised money to not only send meals to Cooper but other hospitals and Food Banks in that area. Alli told me that by donating $300, they provide 2,000 meals for the Food Bank. It is amazing to me how much a few people can do! These things grow exponentially, and their effort is filled with devotion and compassion.

Two weeks ago, Tama-Rose’s daughters, Charley and Makayla, and Alli’s daughter, Jessie, arranged a Cabaret Night as a fundraiser, recruiting some of their other talented friends, as well. It was wonderful to see these young people becoming part of this great movement of giving!  

On this pretty near-spring day, our grandson, Jake, accompanied Allison to drop off 16 cases of water that had been donated for the cause. It truly is a family affair. And a wonderful way for our next generation to help others.

It is very true that “one person cannot do everything, but one person can do something.” I encourage you to find something to do, one small step…reach out somewhere, physically, financially, psychically to support others. Make a call to someone you know is lonely; make masks; bring food to a food bank; donate a few cases of water; the list is endless. Drop off trays of cookies to a Senior Living Facility…find your voice. Allison and Tama-Rose found theirs, and their area is benefitting greatly.

By the way, for those who saw the front page of the STAR-LEDGER on Friday, Brett and Amy Breslow are featured. Thank goodness, Brett is off of the ventilator and recovering well. He still has a long way to go, will have rehabilitation, but he is a survivor of Covid-19, and that makes him a warrior to all of us!

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