Month: May 2020

Monday was a very special day because I went to my Dermatologist, augmented by Thursday, another auspicious one, when I saw my Internist. I actually saw my doctors in person, and they actually touched me. It occurred to me that other than my husband, Bruce, nobody, other than a phlebotomist taking my blood, has touched me in over two months. How strange to have that realization, and to also realize that other than medical personnel, and Bruce, nobody may touch me for another few months. UGH! 

But, alas, that is not the point of this week’s blog. This is the point…do not neglect your body during the pandemic. If you need to be seen by medical personnel, for any reason, do not hesitate. I can tell you that just as New York was the safest it had ever been in the aftermath of 9-11, it is my experience that clinics, labs and doctors’ offices are sterile and immaculate. Hazmat suits have nothing on the medical teams I have visited. Washing, wiping and spraying is on-going everywhere. Before even walking into the building, my temperature was taken and I was asked about symptoms, as well as asking if I was exposed to Covid-19. Told to stay until the office waiting room was cleared, it was a well-oiled machine. By the time I got to the doctor or the lab, I felt so comfortable.

A special note: for Ostomates, as well as others who may need to use the bathroom, I recommend bringing hand sanitizer and being sure your mask is covering mouth and nose. It is said that public toilets aerosolize, so leave as soon as possible. But that should not stop us from being seen if we are in need.

Now that the first weekend of the summer has officially begun, use it as a check point for good health. Have mammograms, blood tests, elective procedures once they are available…whatever you need for peace of mind. It appears Covid is here to stay, so we need to maintain our health, maintain our mental acuity, maintain our interest in life and maintain our optimism. Otherwise the pandemic wins, and that is a loss we cannot accept.

And once again, to all on the frontline, our gratitude is beyond words, and please stay healthy and safe. We appreciate all you do so we can make the choice to do what we need to do, and to maintain that optimism!

First, I want to thank everyone who responded to my last blog…obviously, everyone loves FOOD and many told me they are working on a “supper swap” with others. Bear in mind that Bruce and I are exceptionally fortunate because my sister, Michele, and brother-in-law, Ira (who is like our brother) are incredible in the kitchen, […]

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It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day of dealing with the Covid pandemic. In fact, if truth be told, it is hard to not get caught up. Everywhere we turn, signs of the enormity of the situation abound. We drove by Costco this morning and the line wrapped around […]

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