It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day of dealing with the Covid pandemic. In fact, if truth be told, it is hard to not get caught up. Everywhere we turn, signs of the enormity of the situation abound. We drove by Costco this morning and the line wrapped around the building into the parking lot. The scarcity issue, the fear issue, the names in the news dealing with the disease, the masks and gloves, and did I mention the fear issue? So what do we focus on when things are worrisome? Food, glorious food!

It is unlikely we are alone, bouncing from one meal to another. My dishwasher has never been used so much, the oven always thought it was an object d’arte, never to be used, the table is rarely not set for the next time Bruce and I will rendezvous and our conversation revolves around not only what are we eating next, but tomorrow and the following day.

Eating carefully is always a requirement for me, and for good reason. Never was that more apparent than this week when I ate a piece of a muffin that had brown rice, oats and blueberries in it, and within 15 minutes, I had a partial obstruction. Fortunately, it passed, but it is a reminder that staying vigilant is key at all times, even during a pandemic.

With that in mind, I want to share with you something really cool! Bruce and I are so fortunate to have my sister and brother-in-law, gourmet cooks, swapping food with us! It started with them bringing us “extra” food (as if I believe that, because  they made our fave things. But then again, everything they make becomes one of our fave things.) We returned the favor by bringing them some homemade (okay, not made by MY hands) pot pies and goodies. Then the idea of the Food Swap was born. Every two weeks, we bring each other meals, and we all have healthy and delicious food. They cook, we eat. When it is our turn to bring them food, we have wonderful dishes made for them. Believe me, we get the better end of the deal, but nobody is complaining.

Just a thought, but I highly recommend it…especially if you have somebody who can brighten your meals like they brighten ours. It is more than the food, it is the idea that amidst all of the stress of this period, we are sending back and forth lots of love in every bite!

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