This is a heartbreaking time in our culture. So many are pointing out the differences that exist in people, with so few pointing out the sameness about us. We are similar in countless ways, too many to enumerate, but is seems to be easier for some to focus on what will cause division, rather than unity. I want to be an instrument of change, of development, of unifying those of us fortunate enough to share the planet…to make a difference that will live on and on. Believe me when I say that I have no illusion that I know the right thing to do or say to create or change the direction of this tragedy that exists in our society, but I know that my heart is open, my ears are listening, and my mouth is closed until I do find the right words to say. 

Unlike myself, so many have brilliant thoughts about effecting meaningful change, meaningful coming together, meaningful understanding of others, but one who stood out in my mind is Tim Wise, and Anti-Racism Educator and author of “COLOR BLIND” and “DEAR WHITE AMERICA.” He presented three precepts that White people can follow, that may help those of us who are White do something helpful. He impressed me because these are things I can do, you can do, and if we all do them, I must believe we will be in a better place.

  • Mr. Wise says white people should play a supporting role; we should follow more and attempt to lead less. My takeaway is that we show our Black brethren that we have confidence they will do what needs to be done to make the powerful changes necessary. We will SUPPORT their efforts and hold them up, but it is our role to follow, not deign to think we know better how to accomplish what they need to accomplish. This feels to me the way I felt raising my daughters…I envisioned myself holding their hands as they cut the umbilical cord, something they needed to do themselves to do it right, to develop and grow.
  • Talk with family and friends by letting them know what we see, what we want to see happen in our society. We must challenge the perceptions of others by discussing how we came to see things the way we do. In fact, we must challenge our own personal narrative and parse out and shout out what helps us see the opportunities of others in a positive way, so others can focus on their own positives.
  • Push for legislation to fund community-based programs that will teach all that brings us together. This, in my mind, requires working with our young, our children as they develop their understanding of people. I used to believe that the young were colorblind, that they didn’t see color of skin. What I have grown to understand is that isn’t quite the truth. Children do see color of skin; they just don’t assign anything to what they see. Their friends are their friends, Black, White, Asian…it means nothing until society begins to indoctrinate with its version of color…its need to put people into categories that focus on race. Let’s meet our young where they are; open, honest, accepting and loyal.

These are only three precepts that can create positive change. There are countless others. So, I hope you will join me in accepting the challenge to do more, to do better, to do our best. Our entire society demands it, and we must rise to the occasion if nothing more that because it is the RIGHT THING TO DO!

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