Month: August 2020

Bruce and I celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary this past week. It is known as the GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY, which received its name, I have decided, from the reality that looking back on all of those years is a golden opportunity to feel something quite rare, like real gold. We have been fortunate to celebrate the 50th Wedding Anniversaries of many friends and family, but it is a particularly heady experience when it is yours. 

Where have the years gone? How did we transition to a couple in our 70’s, when we met (and I fell in love) in our teens? How does one explain growing closer and loving more, when we look in the mirror and see faces we do not recognize at times? Maybe there is something to the concept that “love is blind” because although the years etch themselves, we acknowledge we are so much more together than we could ever be apart. And THAT is what is to be celebrated!

In March, we were out walking, and the Coronavirus was just becoming a new word in our vocabulary. We were hypothesizing that the lockdown might go beyond the predicted two weeks, and looked ahead to the summer. Surely, by June, it would be in our rear-view mirror. So, when the discussion came to our anniversary in late August, we felt certain we would be celebrating with those we love so dearly.

As it became evident that COVID 19 was greatly impacting our lives, and it was taking lives by the thousands, all thoughts of celebrating fell by the wayside. In addition to not being able to celebrate with our daughters and their families, we also couldn’t celebrate with our sisters, brothers-in-law, and most of all, close to 96-year-old Mom-in-law.  

I am happy to share that perspectives change and celebrations have taken on new meaning during the COVID 19 era, as they must. Toasts from friends and families are ever more appreciated, as are flowers, cookies, and elaborate dinners, as well as gift cards and checks for future splurges. We had it all, and loved it all, and are grateful for it all. 

It is impossible to stand in front of the officiant as a young couple entering into marriage and project ahead to the years you will celebrate together. None of us can make that prediction. But if you are fortunate enough, at any time to have reason to count your blessings, grab them, cherish them, and store them in your pocket. Take them out and look at them when the going gets tough. COVID 19 may have taken away our spring, our summer, and who knows what else as we look to the future, but it cannot take away our blessings…those are ours to cherish and appreciate, regardless of what may come.

Like everyone, I am very focused on the return to school issue. I have four treasured grandchildren and a daughter who is a school social worker, and I am concerned about their health and safety vis a vis Covid 19. Each day, I await news of how my grandchildren will be educated and how my […]

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How much I miss hugs and kisses! I am a perpetually in motion lover of physical contact, and the COVID 19 pandemic has hurt me in a place I hadn’t realized. I find myself approaching people and have to remind myself I am not ALLOWED to get closer. I want to do everything in my […]

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