An update: SO MUCH MORE THAN MY OSTOMY: LOVING MY PERFECTLY IMPERFECT BODY is the title of my book, which is currently back to Editors for review. I have been furiously working on it for months, and it is one step closer to reality. Writing it has brought me more connection than ever to “my people” who are Ostomates, care for Ostomates or are considering becoming an Ostomate. The book is for all of us. Additionally, I am hoping that health care professionals will find a great deal in it to help them further understand our needs as they help us to live our best lives. The amount of research and thought that went into the book was much more than I anticipated, considering I have my ileostomy for over 6 years. But living with it is one thing, helping others understand it is truly another. Fortunately, I have a background in anatomy, having been a speech pathologist for decades, so that part of the research was fun. It is not a medical book, but it is as “anatomically correct” as possible for a layperson.

I will give you a little peek from a distance at the chapters, as they stand right now (subject to change, of course, since it is in the hands of the Editors.) There are tools which help us live our best lives; vignettes of Ostomates or future Ostomates; myths about ostomy; naming our stoma; Support Groups and their importance in our lives; caring for and nurturing our bodies; and my very favorite chapter, which is so inspiring, because they are stories of women who have not only Survived, but Thrived. They deal with chronic illness such as Diabetes, debilitating surgeries, skeletal and bladder issues, dyslexia, emotional stress and crisis, various syndromes, losses, and of course, ostomies.

Through it all, I wasn’t sure I would actually tell my story since this isn’t a memoir, it is a Self-Help book, but I decided that it is important for all of us to tell our stories. Besides, how can I help you to see yourself as a Survivor/Thriver if you don’t know that I am, as well? My credibility would be in question. My ileostomy was my 23rd abdominal surgery, and that alone speaks to years and years of searching for answers, and quite honestly, never giving up, even though there were days when sitting in a puddle of tears would have been the easier and more honest thing to do. But I have found my answer in my ostomy, and want to help others in their search.

So, stay tuned, and I will update you as time goes on. Next, I will have changes, I am sure, and then I assume it goes to print. You will see me doing the Happy Dance when that happens!

And hopefully, next week, I will be doing the Happy Dance as I announce the book my daughter, Emily Golden has written, which is being launched on Wednesday, September 23rd. More to come on this exciting endeavor, THE NEW GOLDEN RULE. I have already read it three times as it has developed, and it is wonderful. I know that it can be pre-ordered on Amazon (proud Mama that I am, I have ordered 5 copies) and through her publisher (and mine, as well) Warren Publishing.

Lastly, I want to wish a Sweet and Healthy, Happy New Year to all who celebrate. Our services may be virtual, our meals may not be with those we love, our hearts may feel there is so much missing, but we are here, we are ever more fortunate than many. And to those who will be mourning loss on Yom Kippur, as they do every day, I send my loving thoughts and prayers for peace in your hearts.

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