Thank you to everyone who has supported the coming together of my book, SO MUCH MORE THAN MY OSTOMY: LOVING MY PERFECTLY IMPERFECT BODY. It is so exciting to think that someday in the hopefully not too distant future, it will be a reality. But my pride in sharing news of the book written by my daughter, Emily Golden is even more exciting, and I want to tell you about the launch of her book in late September.

THE NEW GOLDEN RULE: THE PROFESSIONAL PERFECTIONIST’S GUIDE TO GREATER EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, A MORE FULFILLING CAREER, AND A BETTER LIFE is now available on Amazon, Barnes and and Warren Please believe me when I say this, THE NEW GOLDEN RULE is one you will want to embrace, and the subtitle reveals so much that will be meaningful to you in your life.

Never having attended a book launch (especially virtually), I was impressed with the level of interest everyone seemed to have. Emily was introduced by Cheldin Barlatt Rumer, a charismatic digital lifestyle news interviewer who has interviewed Emily for her program. The keynote talk was geared to not only Emily’s story but what she has been able to share with her coaching clients. Knowing how hard she has worked, and how much she always says, “the work works” I was captured watching the faces of the attendees light up as she spoke.

One of the first things she told us is that the Golden Rule may be what holds us back from attaining what we want to achieve in our lives. “Treat others the way you want to be treated” is fine, but it may be more important, and productive, to “treat yourself the way you want others to treat you!” In the book, THE NEW GOLDEN RULE, Emily goes on to explain how to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be, simply by putting yourself first. As a woman, that was a difficult concept for me to own, since we have been enculturated to always put everyone else before ourselves. But I have learned that if I, “put on my oxygen mask first, I can help others.”

Being a professional certified coach who specializes in executive leadership and career coaching is undoubtedly the work Emily was born to do. She has 17 years of corporate human resources experience; practical experience from more than 2,500 hours of coaching; and a deep understanding of the human mind. Additionally, and I can say this as her mama, Emily is an “old soul” who gets people on a level that is beyond intuitive, and has taught me so much about understanding and acceptance.

Emily rounded out the evening by giving us a few precepts that will help all of us be our best:

  • Unless you’re a “Hell Yes!” to something you’ve been asked to do, sleep on it before responding.
  • Make choices from “What will bring me joy?” rather than “What will make me feel the least guilt?
  • Joy should be the takeaway from your work, your life.
  • Embrace the champion within and be your best version of yourself.
  • Do not fear making mistakes, that keeps us from reaching our potential.
  • Finally, do your best to always be your Golden Self…and that is the one I am most interested in becoming!
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