Yes, it is a fairly universal feeling right now…we are all fearful! And why not? Between the pandemic, civil unrest, concern about a fair election with fair election results, the economy, groups plotting to kidnap and murder two sitting Governors, well, the list can go on and on. Many say “it is always something,” but truly, when has it been so many “somethings?” Certainly, not in my memory. And to that point, I, who was rarely political, now spend countless hours digesting the news and involved in civic engagement. But my fear seems to be driving me, and as a woman of action, if nothing else, I have to develop a plan to deal with my anxiety.

Being fearful may seem to protect us. “That frightens me so I choose not to do it,” but there are too many things that are not a choice. Some things are not within our control. Fear of the Coronavirus infecting my loved ones does not protect those I love from contracting the Corona Virus. Fear of a country in upheaval does not protect me/us from anarchists who want to instill chaos in our government. Fear of the uncertainty of life does not provide certainty. These things are not spread out on a battlefield or chessboard for us to figure out a strategy for winning. 

Truthfully, my fear only breeds worry, only weakens me, and attempts to weaken my resolve. So, I have made a decision. I will name my fears, give them a face which I will draw on paper in my clumsy manner, hear their voice, and then, I will look at that piece of paper and tell them they do not get to destroy my positive outlook, do not get to ambush my coping skills. I will go to my toolbox of those coping skills and pull out the one that helps me at each twist and turn. 

The ability to overcome that which causes us to be frightened is not something that only Some People possess. We all have that ability, that is what helps us survive and thrive in life. In my position as a facilitator for Support Groups, I have met and become intimately aware of how much strength and coping ability truly exists in people…people just like you and me. People who never thought of themselves as strong, or tough, until they had to be both!

Let’s all face our fears right now; let’s all look at the reality of the pandemic, the economic crisis, the civic unrest, and most of all, our fear of losing control of everything important to us. We will prevail, that is our destiny, and we must know and internalize that. I truly believe that living in fear will only rob us of the happiness that is always on the other side of the seesaw of life.

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