We are all tired, fatigued, and exhausted to the point of being numb, I am thinking. It has been such a fight, and we have taken strong stances, myself included, so that we may not even recognize ourselves, or each other. We have become estranged from each other instead of recognizing that we are all patriots; frightened instead of recognizing that there is more good in the country than animosity; belligerent instead of finding a common ground upon which to stand together.

Let’s take that first step together right now! Let’s support the new administration so that we can move ahead, not backward or sideways. We need to get healthy, and that starts with taking control of Covid-19 to the best of our ability. Our lives really do depend upon it. Last week, three people in my world died of the disease, and that is a statistic that needs to change. We want to be with our families, hug our parents, children, and grandchildren, celebrate life’s joys, and be with each other when sad times occur. We want a world where masks are not necessary because the virus is behind us, but until then, they are worn to protect us, not seen as a symbol of defiance or politics.

The other virus that is killing us is the partisanship in the country. If we only see things through one lens, there will be no growth, no texture, no color, and no beauty. We will be dull and boring, and sluggish and overly content with mediocrity. NO! Let’s stand for acceptance and willingness to see each other’s point of view, each other’s exceptional qualities. The definition of our lives is outlined in being unique; why only fit in when we are all born to stand out?

This is our time, as never before in our history. The world is spinning faster and faster, and there is so much to learn, to know. And yet, our children, our most valuable resources are stuck in front of a computer for the most part, instead of being “touched” by the magic of being in the classroom with highly trained teachers who can nurture and guide them. We are all waiting for the next tragic numbers of Covid deaths, the next wave of fear to wash over us. We are impacted by the extremes of the weather and fires throughout the country. We are at the mercy of those who govern; instead, we have a voice in making valuable and in many cases, easy changes.

Each time I think of the world I want for my grandchildren, it is filled with opportunity and excitement, challenge and reward. Please join me in offering the same to your progeny. We have always been the “keeper of the world” but we have failed to do our job these past years. It is NOT due to one person! It is NOT because one person told us to do or not do things a certain way. It is NOT the responsibility of one person to create such chaos. We have been deaf, mute, and blind, and we must now listen, speak and see what needs to be done to save this beloved country we are fortunate enough to own! We must shout our pride at a nation that above all, survives, and a people that know when it is the time to step up and come together, heal, coalesce, and begin the dance of unity. 

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