And what a great anniversary it is! The day my stoma, Lily, was born was March 17th, 2014, which makes her an adorable 7-year-old. She is trim, rosy in color, well-nourished and maintained, and all around, a happy girl! Named for my mother, Lillian, she made her appearance as a result of my 23rd abdominal surgery, and she has been my best friend ever since. Most do not know she exists, I keep her well protected and shielded from view, and she performs her tasks without fanfare or concern. From time to time, I try a new appliance to support her output, but by and large, she is very shy and undemanding.

According to the United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA) there are between 725,000 and one million ostomates in the country, and 100,000 new stoma surgeries a year. For those uninitiated, there are basically three types of ostomies: colostomy and ileostomy, which are stool diverging stomas, and urostomy, which is urine diverging. These surgeries save our lives, please understand, they are LIFESAVERS!!! 

The need for an ostomy may be from a disease process, like cancer, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s Disease, diverticulitis, or colonic motility issues, a catastrophic injury, or scar tissue perforation. The surgical ability to give life to an otherwise agonizing existence is hard to describe in its importance. Invaluable and incalculable! Anyone who has suffered with any chronicity with the above-mentioned issues knows the challenges of living their best life. An ostomy is a game-changer, allowing us to actually be in the game.

And here is very exciting news: I am celebrating my seventh anniversary with the printing of my soon-to-be-published first book, entitled SO MUCH MORE THAN MY OSTOMY: LOVING MY PERFECTLY IMPERFECT BODY! What began as my intention to bring awareness to ostomy life has grown into 7 chapters chock full of information, and not only for ostomates and those who care for them. There is so much information on creating a toolbox of coping skills everyone will find useful, myth busters, essays on fashionably dressing, massage and waxing, intimacy, and many more lifestyle issues.  The final chapter speaks to those in my life who are thrivers, who have been through so much, and they share their guidance for living their best lives, as well.

It has been an incredible undertaking, and it has taken 14 months to bring it to fruition. I believe that it will be a resource for so many, and I am so excited to share it with you as soon as it is ready for you to read. It is being published by Warren Publishing and kudos to Mindy Kuhn and Amy Ashby for the incredible job they have done. So many of us can write, but to pull together thoughts and create a book, well, that takes masters…and they are Masters! Stay tuned for more information, and remember that we are all so much more!

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