Month: April 2021

It looks like spring is finally here to stay, and that we have seen the last of snow for this year. Perhaps this is just wishful thinking, after all, New Jersey is notorious for delayed and consistent warmth. But I will use the optimistic side of my brain and think spring, enjoying not only the radiance of the sun but the blossoming of the trees all around me. If my memory serves me correctly, last year at this time, we were still waiting for the “3-4 week shutdown” to pass, which led to the year-long Covid restrictions. Masks were unthought of last year in April, and now totally de rigeur, and many cottage industries have evolved to create newer and nicer versions. Before you even think about this for more than a minute, let me pull this together and remind you that masks create maskitis, just one more skincare concern for us.

Breakout is worsened by masks, and dryness, as well. The constant breathing in and out creates warmth and becomes a bit of a petri dish for bacteria, and dry lips are frequently licked and dry out further. The best weapon against skin breakout is to spend a little extra time and thought when caring for your skin.  

Whether you are younger than springtime or have seen many, many springs, the same principles of everyday skincare continue to be important: cleanse, treat and moisturize to maintain the integrity and health of the skin. For the young, a cleanser that removes oils and deeper dirt residue is indicated, whereas for those of us who have mature skin, a gentle cleanser is advised for most days. I use a gentle exfoliator two to three times a week for a little deeper cleansing, which will help to lift the superficial layer which makes the mature skin look dull and aged. Treating skin means adding either medication for younger skin and vitamins and/or acids that enhance mature skin.  Lastly, hydration is very important. Younger skin will love the lighter feel of lotions, while mature skin loves creams, which are more emollient.

In my soon-to-be-released, SO MUCH MORE THAN MY OSTOMY: LOVING MY PERFECTLY IMPERFECT BODY! there is more to read about skin and body care. Ostomates have the added issue of dehydration, particularly ileostomates, so we have to work a little harder to replace as much fluid loss as possible. This and much more is discussed, and I hope you will find answers to your questions and concerns.

Many years ago, when I first had the need to be consistently mindful of my health and the stress it put on my body, one of my myriads of doctors told me something that has resonated with me all this time. He told me that those with chronic health issues, who learn how to care […]

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Thank you to the many who wrote to say that having a toolbox (I reference and instruct on creating one in my soon-to-be-published book SO MUCH MORE THAN MY OSTOMY: LOVING MY PERFECTLY IMPERFECT BODY!) is something that resonated with them. In fact, the frequent comment was that since we all have issues and challenges […]

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