Always a red girl, I am declaring myself springing into its softer colored cousin, pink, right now! No doubt, every year at this time, I look at my wardrobe and lust for lighter wear, but this year feels as if it started LAST YEAR, so it feels even more necessary to see and think pink. While shopping recently, I noticed the stores are filled with florals, as well as shades of powder pink to magenta, and every shade in between. Since I am always interested in a good conversation, I began to talk with other shoppers, and they seem to feel the same. This year, more than ever, the season is screaming spring colors and patterns.

It has been such a hard year, and we are all ready for a new beginning. The pandemic shutdown was more than a year ago, and we cannot help but remember that we were indoors, other than for extremely necessary outings, all of spring. We missed celebrating the blooming of flowers, the warmer weather, the ability to gather together outdoors.

Additionally, since so much of our lives is taking place over Zoom, (Thank goodness we can stay connected!) we never have to put together a full outfit…visible only from the waist up. Certain colors and patterns are a no-no, while certain ones look better on Zoom than otherwise! I find myself wearing light makeup on Zoom, a total contradiction to my usual application, which depends upon black eyeliner to enhance my eyes. My usual go-to of red or bright pink lipstick continues, more important now than ever, and I have tubes next to my laptop and computer.

It is fun to focus on light-hearted things like colors and floral patterns because like any season, there are many sad and troubling occurrences. Our society feels as if it is imploding, and we are on edge everywhere. Our health suffers regardless of what month the calendar states it is, and those in need of treatments and procedures, surgeries and the like, still have to go through their stressful times. In my book SO MUCH MORE THAN MY OSTOMY: LOVING MY PERFECTLY IMPERFECT BODY! there is much discussion about finding ways to feel our best through all of these challenges. For some, it may be getting a massage; for others, finding the right combination of foods to satisfy safely. Read, relax, watch a movie, listen to a podcast. Find your center, revel in your resilience, and above all, apply your sunscreen and go out! We have been in and under all of this for long enough!

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