Even if one never exercises, he or she may be dazzled by the sight of the sun in the sky, shining brightly, beckoning to venture outside and soak in the Vitamin D. Water aerobics, swimming laps, running, jogging, walking, cycling, tennis or golf all are wonderful ways of moving our bodies, ensuring we get into better shape with each workout. Of course, we can exercise anywhere, so find your favorite place and just, as Nike says, “Do It!”

For me, the three areas of concentration as I do my daily workout are cardio for blood flow, strength training with weights or body resistance for building and maintaining muscle mass and maintaining bone integrity, and balance for safety and security against falls. I cannot impress upon you enough the importance of that often-forgotten area of exercise and movement. Nothing will have a greater impact on us than a fall resulting in a terrible fracture. 

I am reminded that after my ileostomy I had a serious and dangerous infection with lowered my resistance and ability to care for myself. Between recovering from the surgery, the new ostomy appliance and the PICC line for antibiotic infusion, I was unable to care for myself, so I was placed in a rehabilitation facility for two weeks. At the time I entered the facility, I could not walk to my room on my own, I was so weakened, sad and depressed. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball under the covers. But that was not tolerated, so to therapy I went, twice a day, pushing myself to regain my strength and stamina. The day before I left was a beautifully sunny day, and I not only was able to walk out the door, but around the block two times, thanks to the hard work demanded by my physical and occupational therapists, which was extremely necessary. 

In addition to cardio and strength work, much of the rehab therapy was working on my balance, since at that point, I was in my 60’s and considered a fall risk. I was surprised because I have always had a good proprioception (sense of where one is in the universe) but apparently, my age indicated that I had work to do on my balance. I learned the importance of focusing on a spot on the wall to steady myself, and if I feel unsteady, to exercise near a chair or the wall.

When my grandson was young, he used to love the song, “I Like to Move It, Move It, Move It” and he would! Sometimes, when I am feeling less than motivated, I think of that song, and I get out there and do just that!


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