It has always been my belief that, at the end of the day, people will do the right thing, that we are inherently benevolent! Granted, there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary, as history has shown more malevolence than any would have thought possible. But by and large, we have a moral compass that points due north to that which works for the greater good. However, right now, I am rethinking my stance, and losing sleep over the recognition that many are not concerned about the greater good, even in their own families.

Sadly, each morning over the past few weeks, a sobbing mother is revealing that she wishes she had gotten vaccinated, since her little one is in the hospital fighting for their life. Or a man is shown begging for the vaccine before being put on a ventilator. Husbands and wives both experience Covid, with one being vaccinated and showing mild symptoms, while the other, fighting for their next breath. How much more needs to be done to make the case for vaccines? The statistics, and they DO NOT LIE!!! tell us that close to 100% of those in the hospitals with Covid have NOT been vaccinated; NOBODY is in the hospital with a negative response to the vaccine. Again, how much more do we need to make the case for vaccines?

Please do not fall for the politicization of this pandemic…you are too smart for that! You know, deep in your heart, that a virulent virus, that has killed countless, does not wear a red or blue t-shirt or cap, and in fact, is truly colorblind. You know, deep in your heart, that politicians do not really care if you or your family member, anonymous to them, is sick and dying. And you know, deep in your heart, that there will be no reward for sacrificing yourself or your loved ones, because “the government isn’t going to control you.” The government doesn’t work that way. It DOES need to control certain aspects of our lives, or there would be anarchy. We DO need to show papers to get birth certificates, marriage licenses, death certificates, Social Security cards, to drive, fly, rent a car, the list goes on and on. 

Against vaccines? One cannot travel to many countries, attend school, get certain jobs, and again, on and on, without them. That is how we PROTECT ourselves and our families. In the same way that homes are inspected, and certificates issued to show they are safe, we do the same to protect others from our disease. Never, in my several decades on this earth, have I seen what looks like total confusion with a policy (the science says to get the vaccine!) meant to protect us all.

Enough said. I am certain that no minds will be changed by my opinion, feelings, concerns or observations. I am one of the many who jumped as quickly to receive my vaccines as possible. I wanted to begin to live again after a year of struggle and sadness. I wanted to stop seeing the numbers grow of those who sadly succumbed to the disease. I wanted to hug and kiss my family and not have to worry about their health and safety. I wanted all of this to be in the rear-view mirror. I wanted all of this to end, for the greater good of our society. But alas, it is not, because I am only one person, and sadly, we need everyone to feel the same…and that is the only way we will achieve the greater good for our society!


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