Robin is a beautiful star shining brightly forever!

What if there was a woman who found the key to living a life of incredible value? And what if that value came from a smile for all in her path, a kind word for all with whom she spoke, and an interest in all who came upon her?

What if that woman was also beautiful, radiant and glowing, not simply on the outside, but inside, as well? And what if that beauty never faded, despite the ravages of a mortal enemy faced with sheer determination to survive?

What if that woman had a family and myriad of friends, to whom she was so devoted, and they to her, that they continuously surrounded her with their adoration, buoying her every day of her illness? And what if this woman was married to the most loving and caring husband, whose eyes shone when her name was mentioned? And what if this woman had three beautiful children, two of whom married women who, no doubt, reminded her sons of HER, and a daughter with whom she shared a most exceptional relationship, and grandsons that warmed her heart as only they can?

What if this woman was strong, and powerful, and capable, and bright? And what if she had a vision for her talents and knowledge, guided by her own mother’s expertise, and created The Connection, a magazine respected and read by countless?

What if we are the fortunate to have known and loved this amazing woman? And what if, within the net of grief that encompasses us, we find her memory, her desire to always be happy, her radiance, and yes, her smile, to stay with us forever?  What if that truly is the key to living a life of incredible value?


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