I am reminded of that every time there is a meeting of one of my Ostomy Support Groups, and I feel blessed beyond words to be with so many who have similar experiences and lifestyles. But I also believe that we are frequently in a community of like people if we are open to noticing. The community may be where we live, our religious beliefs, our political beliefs, even our interest in our hobbies and interests.

To that point, many of my weeks allow me to be part of a knitting community (Thursday mornings) or play a few hands of Mah Jongg (Tuesday afternoons) or my Civic Engagement group which meets monthly on a Thursday night. Every other week, there is my writing community, usually late day Tuesdays, my Ostomy Support Groups (monthly on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and soon, Saturdays) and my walking community of only one other, (but we keep each other moving!) and we are our own community, regardless. Monthly, on a Wednesday, our religious center community packs out food at the Soup Kitchen, and that feels really very good…our community giving to another community, meeting other’s needs.

I suppose what I am saying is that in the gorgeous voice of Barbara Streisand, “people need people” and “our people” share their lives, becoming our community. It has less to do with geography and more to do with who we are, and what we want our lives to be.

There are too many times in life when we feel isolated and alone. The pandemic certainly added enormously to that sense of isolation and for many, it continues, and even feels like desperation. Some people are having a difficult time adjusting and re-entering the new normal. They want to be part of a community, they want to feel that connection, but they do not know how to begin, how to find the entrance. They may need us to pry the door open a bit for them, they may need us to recognize they are a bit lost, and they may need us to help them find their way through the entryway.

It may be most helpful if we notice the communities that exist all around. For many, finding one community will be a wonderful achievement, while some may want to explore all their interests. Regardless of personality or goal, this is a wonderful time to look outside of our cocoon and spread our wings. Take advantage of technology and “attend” a class, play a game online, chat with a group; follow your interest and join others doing something creative and let it become a passion, and build your community. You never know where it will lead, but the road there may be just what you are seeking as you imagine walking through the door to your new group.


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