Month: November 2021

By now you know I love quotes, and this one by Lena Waithe really spoke to me. It is a true “coming of age” to recognize that being different is such a positive thing, such a great thing, such a wonderful thing. We can all be automatons, following the masses to do the same things, dress the same way, value the same things. I am at a stage of life where I treasure having my own view, and as long as I hurt nobody in the process, seeing the world through my own experiences is extremely empowering.

There seems to be a recipe when we are young for growing like all the others in our world. We play together as toddlers, go through school with others like us, go on to college or learn a trade with like-minded people, and work in an environment that speaks to our skills and interests. But somewhere along the way, we begin to recognize that we may not want to wear the same clothes as the work environment suggests. Or we may not agree with the direction the business is taking. We may look at ourselves and see someone different than we were, different than who we thought we were. I am all about embracing where you are and making changes if that is what appeals to us.

Thinking about superpowers makes me envision a character attempting to save the world. My favorite superpower is Elastigirl or Mrs. Incredible, who appeared in The Incredibles and its sequel Incredibles 2. She possessed superhuman elasticity, granting her the ability to stretch any part of her body to great proportions. She could achieve superhuman levels of strength, durability and agility using her elasticity powers. Her only weakness is extremely cold air. One of my favorite scenes shows her, voiced by the wonderful Holly Hunter, extending her arms all around the globe, saving the world inch by inch, (and yet, like so many superwomen, she looks down at her body and makes a face as if to ask the camera, “do my thighs look fat in this outfit?”) 

Having an ileostomy makes me different from many in my life, and I absolutely believe it to be my superpower. I know how strong I am, I know how fortunate I am to have my lifesaver, and I know that without it, my weakness would be much more serious than extremely cold air. My strength comes from the knowledge that I am healthier than I have ever been, that I have countless ostomates who share my view, my support groups, and my experiences.

Discovering that our differences are empowering, positive, and compelling is the healthiest thing we can do, I believe. Whether our differences involve our health or our individual needs, please embrace them. The world would be a dull and colorless world if we were all the same, and what a waste it would be of our superpowers. Put yours to good use by acknowledging them and create the world in which you want to live. Use your superpowers to paint the picture of who you are and in no time, I believe you will jump from that picture to your best and most fulfilling life.


My daily affirmations greet me each morning as I prepare my coffee and they often set the tone of the day. For the most part, they are upbeat and encouraging, a “cheerleader” for my soul and inspire me to do my best. Even my husband Bruce comments on some of them, remarking this is a […]

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