Month: December 2021

Who can question the difficulties we are facing? It is such a worrisome time in our history, between the continuing pandemic, financial hardships, ever-changing weather patterns, concerns about school and workplace safety, the list goes on and on. Just enumerating these makes my anxiety level climb. But it is my belief that staying healthy depends upon staying positive! Please believe me, I am not espousing walking around in a state of euphoria…that is ludicrous, even for this wannabe Pollyanna. No, I am suggesting that we find ways to look at our glass as half full whenever possible, or we will travel down the rabbit hole of sadness and fear, and that is a difficult place from which to emerge.

Here are a few thoughts that may help support our ability to feel our best:

  • Please do not do anything to emotionally or physically hurt yourself or others. For some, striking out is a release, but the fallout from such abuse is awful for everyone, including yourself.
  • Take care of yourself. Eat what will keep you healthy, drink enough fluids, establish a smart sleep regimen, get plenty of exercise. These tenets are tried and true for a reason. Whether or not you have over-indulged this holiday season, get back to a good routine. Nothing can replace the importance of treating your body kindly and eliminating anything that compromises that.
  • Find outlets for your stress and anxiety. We all have them. Our minds seem to be programmed for it and finding coping strategies and tools can make a huge difference. For many, a solid workout helps, or a cup of strong tea. Journaling and talking with others are great techniques, which is why Support Groups are so beneficial. Meet people of like-mind and learn from them, or meet people who think differently, and learn from them, as well.
  • Reach out to others in need. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen, read to children, hold babies without families (someday, when Covid is old and cold and hospitals are amenable to it, that is my goal) or simply smile at someone each day. We don’t have to “go big” to make a difference.

You do not have to create a litany of things to do, rules to follow, since that may lead to more stress and anxiety. Simply focusing on YOUR needs and what feels right to you is enough. Let’s welcome the New Year, as shocking as 2022 sounds, and make it ours. Let’s make the changes that have been whispering in our ears for a while, or let’s embrace where we are, and how content we are to be there. We are empowered to be our best, do our best, feel our best. Sending a big smile your way, since it is exciting to think of this new page on our calendar in the New Year!


I once read that some people do less in their lives in order to not attract attention, not have others be envious of them, or not have too much expected of them. That may work well for them, but I have also discovered that regardless of how you live your life, there will always be […]

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