My eyes have never been more open to the suffering of others and the need to share when possible. The holiday season is certainly not the only time when there are people in extremis, needy and “dependent upon the kindness of strangers.” I am well aware of this, but I suppose because I am so grateful that those in my family are not food-insecure, clothing-insecure or housing-insecure, I want to step up even more, and be one who can be depended upon!

The Civic Engagement group of our Synagogue is very active in many things, and perhaps the one I most relate to is what we call the Wendy Project. Many of you know this story, but for those new to my blog, Wendy Piller was a very, very dear friend who loved children. For many years, she taught the Gifted and Talented in our community, and was a household word. We met regularly for lunch at our fave diner, and I would walk in and tell the owner I was meeting her, knowing he would send her over to me. Many times, she couldn’t get to our table for ten minutes, because all the children at the diner would want a hug from her! She died two years ago at this time of year, and in her memory, since she was one of the Founders of our Synagogue, we have the Wendy Project, which focuses on the needs of children, particularly those who are insecure in the ways I mentioned before. Each time we can make a difference for these unknown to us children, it feels wonderful.

There is also the Soup Kitchen that needs our help and support, so we provide food for those who may not have dinner every night. We enable each family to have a hot meal, water, and cookies for dessert, and it, too, feels wonderful. Just a few dollars a day from us makes such a huge difference.

Recently, we “Adopted-a-Family” and this is also feeling like a very worthwhile involvement. The mother and her two daughters gave us a “wish list” of items they need and/or want. They include clothing (I bought the mother a puffy jacket) and waterproof warm boots (which I bought for the daughters…very hip-looking, of course!) and others in our group have purchased fantastic items for the family. We do not know anything more about them than they are in need, it is the holidays, and we can do something to truly make a difference.

I am sharing this because you, too, may want to get involved with the wonderful feeling of giving to those you do not know. Even the smallest donations mount up and are significant to others. There are countless ways to reach out, through religious affiliations, through townships, through soup kitchens and food banks, the need is so great.

Wishing all a wonderful holiday season, lots of happy kisses and hugs from those you love and adore, and virtual hugs from those far away. And may you feel the warmth of those grateful for your gifts of kindness, it is a different feeling entirely, and one that fills a part of your heart not filled in any other way. 


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