A person very close to me always teased his New Year’s Resolution was “to strive harder toward perfection!” I laughed each year at the concept of anyone assuming there WAS perfection to be attained. But as time has passed, I have realized there is perfection, but in a way that brings joy to one’s heart, and not the stress and anxiety of “striving harder.”

If this past year has taught us anything, it is that our world is more unpredictable than we ever realized. Wars, border struggles, untenable storms, volcanic lava flows, health crises, financial challenges and political turmoil are on our universal radar screen, but as humans, we meet strife and struggle every day. Catching up with friends often reveals illness or family issues that require support. It is easy to believe that there is nothing good that can happen as the old year ebbs and a new one begins.

Although I have been told I wear rose-colored glasses and remind myself regularly that the glass is always half-full, I am not unaware of the difficulties we all face. My Ostomy Support Groups keep me grounded, as well as the calls I receive through the American Cancer Society and United Ostomy Associations of America. Mentoring and Motivational Speaking provides an opportunity to meet first-hand people who face overwhelming challenges on a regular basis, many doing it with an attitude of gratitude.

It is my belief that the Perfect New Year’s Resolution is to be there for others without sacrificing one’s own emotional and physical health; to appreciate the days that are good and power through those that are not, recognizing that there truly is a cycle of life, and “this, too, shall pass!”; to resolve to do something regularly that makes us feel happy and whole; to live a healthy life, including eating well, treating ourselves with love, resting and sleeping enough, exercising because movement is incredibly beneficial for our heart and soul; reaching out to another in need and doing something helpful without reminding that person that you just did something for them; walking into a room with a smile and an open heart.

Thank you for reading my blog and hoping you feel inspiration and heartfelt love, and wishing all a very Happy and Healthy New Year filled with many, many wonderful moments, and see you in the New Year,


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