It is the time of year when New Year’s resolutions abound, and often, fall to the sidelines, making us feel less than pleased with ourselves. Shall we consider another way of thinking about changing behaviors, since that is what New Year’s resolutions ultimately are?

Many of us are frightened of making a mistake, taking a chance, reaching for the stars when these actions have unpredictable results. If we look at both our successes and failures as achievements, we may be able to go further in realizing our desired goal. Being courageous and being willing to fail as well as succeed is a learned behavior. Building the muscle necessary for both takes a willingness to live with the results, until the time when it is possible to change them. 

The discomfort that comes from venturing out of what is familiar, our comfort zone, may be a reason to continue doing the same thing. No doubt, you have heard the phrase, “you keep doing what you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting.”

What if, instead of that old standby, you screamed your dream, believing that “when the student is ready, the teacher will come?” That has been, and continues to be, my belief, my motivation in taking new steps. As familiar as I have been with failing, I have become equally as familiar with making changes, and feeling successful. The teacher always seems close, even if I must push myself to meet her more than halfway. Imagining the teacher will lead me to my destination, imagining her guiding my steps, imagining her opening the door, all help me to envision the results I desire.

Of course, there is no straight line that will always guarantee the results we want. Hard work, determination, learning from failures and righting what may have felt wrong are all part of staying on a path toward success. Additionally, recognizing and giving yourself praise for taking chances, putting yourself out there, stepping out of your comfort zone, all require what the Lion wanted in THE WIZARD OF OZ…Courage. Courage to succeed and courage to fail. I believe that nobody does one without ever doing the other. May this be your year to do both, so you can look at 2022 as a year of incredible growth and that wonderful sense of achievement!


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