Looking at a few days with less on my schedule than usual, I had a momentary gasp…what shall I do with my time? Of course, like many of you, I am used to being on a schedule, and that means little or no “down time.” And if there is “down time” I usually fill it with knitting or reading. Admittedly, it has been hard to concentrate on reading, because my wandering mind wants to know the Covid updates, who is sick, are those in my life well? So, I reach for one of the many knitting projects I have in a few rooms, awaiting my attention.

Is it wrong to think that doing something for myself, working on my hobby, is selfish? When I began to research the effects of hobbies, I realized it is certainly not selfish, it is actually a way to live better, rather than be an indulgence. 

Hobbies are a wonderful stress reliever and have been shown to improve mental health and well-being. They relax us, so we may sleep better and help us become more patient with ourselves and others. Along those lines, I can’t tell you how many times I watch a youtube video to learn a new knitting stitch or reinforce something I learned in class a while ago, reminding me I am more patient than I realize.

The challenge of learning new things at my age also helps to declutter my mind. I must “clear the channels” so I can concentrate on what I am doing. Counting every row or stitch, preparing for the next one that will require my attention are all a metaphor for being prepared for what is coming. And when there is a finished product that I am proud to wear, I feel a sense of satisfaction that is different than any other. All of this adds to self-esteem, self-worth, something that is always a benefit.

There are countless hobbies that may keep you entertained and enthused. During the shutdown of the pandemic, my friend, Sandy did countless puzzles, one more gorgeous than the next. She even decorated her walls with the finished products. My friend, Debbie, knitted the most unbelievably beautiful baby and toddler sweaters, and is selling them as a fundraiser for a most important charity. I overheard a dentist from our town sharing his ideas for painting flowers, creating unique beauty for his office. My friend, Laura, is a beautiful dancer and choreographer, dancing regularly in her home studio. Even my husband, Bruce, who was never interested in cooking, has found an outlet for his creativity where food is concerned, and I love being his sous chef! Cards, tile and board games, reading, sports and of course, writing, are all wonderful hobbies that will not only fill time, but provide a sense of satisfaction. 

Hobbies may just be a huge key to both physical and emotional health, may keep our minds, bodies, and fingers active, and may just have something to do with the Fountain of Youth.  Not simply entertainment, many hobbies open doors. You never know where yours will lead, but this just may be the year to “indulge” yourself by spending time finding your passion!



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