COVID is more than a five-letter word…due to the prevalence of the virus, there is a “joke” going around that states there are three types of Covid…the one you have now, the one you will get, or the one you have had. Covid is no joke, but, for those of us well-vaccinated and boosted, it is not to be feared, just avoided, as much as possible. The truth is that for those of us vaccinated and boosted, we can get on top of the symptoms for the most part, and handwashing, mask-wearing and social distancing are key to staying well. I can now speak as a bit of an “expert” because I am back to my usual energy level, if a little behind on all I missed while sick. 

Here are a few things I have learned about Covid-19: the tests are very confusing! If that sounds like an understatement, it is. Rapid, antigen, PCR all test something that I am not at all certain I understand, but I know that the results are subject to the person performing the test. How much dna material is gathered onto the swab makes a difference, how long the tester rotates the swab, even where the swab is gathering the dna all can change the results. At least that is the explanation I have received as to why all my tests were not reporting the same results, despite the fact they were done within a few hours of each other.

I have learned that the monoclonal antibodies do make one feel better, even if the government disagrees that it helps with Omicron. I certainly did feel better within a day of receiving them. The worst symptom I experienced, the inflammation in my abdomen which sent me to the Emergency Room at the hospital, took a few days longer to resolve, but my bronchial and sinus symptoms were much improved within several hours.

I have learned that despite having had Covid and being vaccinated and boosted, I feel it necessary to wear my mask because others feel more comfortable around me. Clearly, I am no longer contagious, haven’t been for the past two weeks, but I wear my KN95 mask as if it is my first time out of the house in two years. And I have noticed more and more people wearing these very protective masks as time passes.

I have learned that soon, we will be rolling up our sleeves for the fourth shot, and glad to do it! The more protection, the better, the more protection, the more we can live and enjoy our lives.

I have learned that Covid will be part of our vocabulary for a long time and making peace with it may be the best we are able to do. So here is to handwashing, mask-wearing, social distancing, boosting and fist bumping. Stay safe and healthy and optimistic. Build your immune system with good food, lots of hydration, plenty of rest, and most of all, a positive outlook!


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