No doubt we all feel a different purpose in life, and even that purpose changes throughout our lives. What felt irrelevant at one age may feel imposing and in need of action at another. And vice versa. Personally, I was not an activist when many in my generation were taking to the streets and campuses to riot against the war raging in Vietnam. It was not because I didn’t agree with those whose voices were calling attention to the frustration we were feeling. It was more because I didn’t feel my voice would make a difference. As I have grown older, or more than that, grown more into myself, I know that what I say, like all of us, has the potential to make a huge difference. That is the same for finding a purpose.

Our religious center is committed to the gift of feeding the hungry. I felt such a calling the first time I went to the church where those to be fed were waiting. Entering with my three large casseroles, I was a little nervous. As I age, I find that when doing something new, I become anxious, fearful I will not do something properly. I told myself that this was an experiment, and if it didn’t feel right, I would not return. But I was hooked after the first time and couldn’t wait to return. The feeling of purpose was energizing, and I was all in. Since Covid, we no longer actually place food on a plate and serve it, more in keeping with the situation, we prepare containers to be brought home by the hungry. The feeling of making a difference is one that is at once indescribable, and so desirable.

The attack that is raging in Ukraine has, sadly, created many opportunities for having a purpose and doing for others. Aside from sending much needed dollars, I have sent ostomy supplies. For those who are Ostomates, no doubt, you cringe at the idea of not having what you need. I can’t even think what it is like for those with no clean and necessary supplies. I am encouraging Ostomates that have supplies they are able to donate do so through FRIENDS OF OSTOMATES WORLDWIDE. Their address is 4018 Bishop Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 40218, and their phone number is 502) 909-6669. These supplies are needed all around the world and here in the United States, so it is always a great purpose to donate. Shipping costs can be lessened by removing supplies from boxes and putting them in plastic bags (like supplies together is preferable.) Any unused supplies are appreciated.

There are opportunities in every walk of life to make a difference. The ability to say “I have found a purpose” is compelling, and I believe that the more we do, the more we want to do. Unlike many good things that eventually come to an end, this is one good thing that never does…one good deed leads to another and finding one purpose leads to another. These truly are lifechanging, in all the best ways!


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