My guess is that nobody would argue that there are many scents and fragrances everywhere we turn right now! Spring is in the air, and everything is budding. If you are like me, you are also sneezing, wheezing and your eyes are watering, as well. But it looks so beautiful, that it is worth suffering a bit.

Last night, I got cozy in my bed after traveling for the last few weeks and picked up a booklet from Bloomingdale’s. I crave these booklets since they are a window into the beauty and excitement of fashion, my jam! Rather than featuring clothing and accessories, this booklet featured new makeup, skin care and fragrance developers. If I didn’t know better, I would believe that it is very easy to launch a new line of these beauty products. But I do know better, so I give them all lots of snaps for their marketing and merchandising ingenuity. It is not an easy field upon which to play. These launches are costly and take more than money, they take confidence and guts, as well as a hook to get to the customer. To distinguish themselves in the Fragrance and Beauty Departments is difficult, at best.

The myriad of skin care products boasted the ability to freshen, plump and firm, rejuvenate and exfoliate the skin, while the cosmetics led us to believe that the perfect lip oil existed to transform us into youthful and nubile beings, ready to change our destiny with the correct choice. The fragrances were abounding with every page I turned. I could have sniffed my way into oblivion, and not truly known the difference between them. After a while, they all look the same and smell the same, despite the “notes.” But there is a definite appeal in the shape, color and design of the bottle, and that hits our visual sense…even before our olfactory one is spurred into action. 

Spring brings with it the sense of renewal, and perhaps that is what I was seeking from each page in my Bloomingdale’s booklet. That, and just the right skin care, lip oil and fragrance to awaken the wintry senses. Have a great one!


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