It may sound like a daunting task to advocate for ourselves when we are not well. Having someone who is responsible for this important position is truly invaluable. But there are many of us who do not have a person who understands our unique medical situation or is not with us at the time such an understanding is necessary. During Covid, we could not even have had an advocate with us, Therefore, there are several things we can do to support ourselves so that neither time nor intervention services are wasted. Here are some thoughts to do as a Girl Scout would recommend: Be Prepared!

  • Learn your anatomy so that rather than saying, “my belly hurts” you can say “I have an ileostomy and I am having sharp pain in my lower right quadrant.”

  • Keep a log of tests you have had recently or in the past in order to provide valuable information.

  • Wear a medical alert bracelet with your name, a diagnosis and emergency contact information. It should be worn on left wrist since that is where EMT’s are likely to check for pulse.

  • Speak the language! Say “I have Crohn’s and am in a flare. I need fluids, Toradol and bowel rest.”

  • If there is no diagnosis for what appears to be a chronic situation, state, “I am being worked up for IBD or Bladder Cancer.” “I am bleeding and in terrible pain.”

  • Be patient but persistent. Hold those involved in your care accountable by asking for a plan and making sure it is implemented within a timely manner. Knowing ahead that you will most likely need a C-t scan, do not eat before going to the Emergency Room.

  • Whenever possible, bring along someone to keep you relaxed; that alone, is a comfort. The better educated that person is, the more reliable their ability to advocate.

  • Carry your story with you, as well as your Overnight bag, if you are frequently in need. Add medications, contact information and physicians who have treated you, just in case talking is difficult.

Being prepared, as we have stated, is a wonderful thing! Hopefully we will not need any of these tips, but we are empowered when we have confidence our voice will be heard, even if that voice is not as strong as we would like.


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