Not what my fortune cookie told me, this time it was my teabag. I admit I look for inspiration anywhere and everywhere. In truth, I realize that if I have any “love language” (okay, that I borrowed from a young person!) it is that I do have compassion. So much so, that sometimes, it hurts. I can still remember crying to my parents that we had to DO SOMETHING when the Jerry Lewis Telethon was a staple of the Labor Day weekend. It literally hurt my heart to see the children with Muscular Dystrophy, wracking sobs, so loud that I was banned from the bedroom where the family sat watching. For years, I couldn’t watch a Jerry Lewis movie without crying, and his movies were meant to bring hilarious laughter. My association, however, was with the children that passed in my mind with braces and in wheelchairs. At this time in my life, I want to use my compassion to assist and support those who can benefit from my knowledge and interest, knowing that I can DO SOMETHING, regardless of how small. With my Ostomy community, it may be nothing more than listening to concerns about taking their first swim as an ostomate. Just being able to report that others have successfully done so may be all that is necessary. Holding someone’s hand, meeting them where they are at that moment, these are all ways to make a positive difference.

Many do not try to do anything outside of their comfort zone because they fear being a failure if they are unable to succeed. Recognizing that creates an opportunity for mobilizing ourselves to take small steps leading to bigger and bigger ones. The saying “nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something” is a good mantra. Joining forces with others may be a comfortable way to begin, and it has worked for me. I find Support Groups a great way to gauge where my efforts are needed. Additionally, the Civic Engagement Group from my religious community has offered me many opportunities to make a difference.

I believe that once you make the commitment to let your compassion carry you, more and more doors will open. There is nothing quite like the positive feelings that come with knowing your desire to do good things has led to good things for others. And most importantly, if compassion is beauty, than what my mother always told me must be true…“beauty is, as beauty does!”


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