I am beyond distraught, like most of the people in my world. This “world” of which I speak is the one that has no ability to understand:

  • the overwhelming hatred and anger in the heart of any human being that propels them down into the hell they are in, that has them believing will be better if they maim and kill others
  • the desire to take the lives of others knowing they are violating every law of society
  • to see the devastation they can cause knowing their “omnipotence” mutilates bodies beyond repair
  • watching from their perch the terror and horror on the faces of those in their field of fire
  • knowing that they are such cowards that this is the only way they can be in charge of their own lives…taking the treasured lives of others

I can go on and on, but I promised to keep this short, and like so many in my “world” we live by our words, use our words to make the world better, and continue to pray for understanding…and if not understanding, at least recognition that what ever it takes, we MUST END THIS CYCLE OF HATE !!!


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