As my readers know, if there is one thing that is on my mind almost every day, it is LEG CRAMPS! They are the scourge of not only my age group, but ileostomates. The former simply because EVERYTHING is a result of the aging process, and the latter because those of us with an ileostomy are constantly losing flid through our stomas. Regardless of how much we drink, add to our fluid intake or add salt to our meals, we can suffer twisting and tightening leg and hand cramps that test our mettle, particularly at night.

My readers also know that I take full advantage of the solutions available either over the counter at well-informed pharmacies and the internet, such as Hylands products, Arnica and Theraworx. But the reality for me, and many others, is that sometimes they simply do not work, or do not work within a tolerable amount of time.

Lamenting to my sister, who is not an ostomate, but shares my malady of severe leg cramps, that I was at my wits end, she mentioned a simple solution she had just heard. Now before going further, I will remind you that we are a pickle and olive loving family and have swigged pickle and olive juice many a night. But this solution was even better…MUSTARD! Apparently, mustard is an amazing anti-inflammatory and is, in some cultures, a cure all. Yellow mustard even gets its color from Tumeric, which has incredible curative properties.

Doing a little research revealed that taking a teaspoon of mustard each night is a wonderful preventative for countless ills. The healing properties of mustard mentioned include it as a stimulant, irritant, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, emetic (can cause vomiting if necessary) and even an aphrodisiac.

When I was younger and ate hot dogs with Gulden’s Yellow Mustard and kraut, I never gave a thought to leg cramps! Had I known what was in my future, perhaps I would have appreciated the medicinal properties of something so simple and available. Now, of course, the question of the day is…what type of mustard will I be spooning tonight? My choices seem to include Spicy, Dijon, Yellow, Stone Ground, Hot and Spicy, Basil Dijon, and a dozen more. Send me your fave mustard and I will share in the future!


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