Month: November 2022

I suppose one could say I have a mission. My mission feels very important, almost like a crusade, one which we are all in need of supporting. We must open our hearts to each other and do it soon. Our future seems to depend upon it. 

Everywhere we turn, there is negativity, a sense that there is nothing in common. Let’s start by pointing out that we are all the same in so many ways that it would take not this blogsite, but an encyclopedia of pages to extol the similarities. The sad part is that the differences are far fewer, and yet they take center stage. I even challenge the staying that “opposites attract” because, in my opinion, what really attracts is the comfort that comes from safely relating to others, and knowing others understand us. 

Creating a “safe place” to share ideas and thoughts without fear of punishment should be the basis of society. I think about our children and the observations they make.  They are untethered by the norms of society. They simply feel free to speak their truth. Granted, we have all looked for the hole in the floor when they say something embarrassing or hurtful about someone standing in front of them in line, but then it is our job to use that as a teachable moment. We have this opportunity to guide them to see people in a better light, learn to speak words of acceptance. Unfortunately, we, as adults, are in such a defensive posture right now, that we barely hear another’s point of view, or thoughts.  We continue to be on one team or the other, and the other is the wrong team, of that we are absolutely certain,

Some corporations spend massive amounts of their revenue creating a “team atmosphere.” That sounds so good to me. I would like to believe that by spending a weekend challenging themselves together, dining and relaxing, listening to speakers and sharing their thoughts, employees would feel they are part of something important. The problem seems to arise in the way people see differences. If the differences can be reframed to meld into creating the best plan, great, but if the differences create a negative reaction, everyone winds up back at square one.

Try as I may, I have no definitive answers for coming together. I can only share my experience in my family of origin, my first small society. I am the eldest of three girls, and as close as we have always been we see things differently at times. I think of how we deal with that, and perhaps, it is a guide for how I put forth my best effort to live my life. My sisters and I are equal; we are all entitled to our opinion; we respect each other; we value each other; we don’t keep track of who does what for whom, we just get the jobs done and show up for each other, always knowing we can count on each other. Imagine a world where more and more small societies did that for each other.

I continue to imagine a world where we all have an open heart, and where we all want to be our best, as well as help others be their best. Imagine how liberating it would be to not have to worry about negativity, only to focus on achieving for the greater good. I know, this is not the first time I have been accused of being a Pollyanna, but for goodness sakes, if we do not do something now to come together and hold up each other, when will that happen?


It has never been more obvious that our country is fragmented, lacking cohesion. My perception is that many people have no interest in the views or beliefs of others, or even those they elect to office. It is “US” against “THEM.” We have become a red versus blue society and I feel so frustrated and […]

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Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But when you are not feeling well, standing up for yourself, or even standing straight, is very difficult. It is easy to let your body slacken and lose muscle tone. Additionally, for those recovering from abdominal surgery, the fear of upsetting an incision makes everything worse. But it is incumbent upon […]

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