A very interesting conversation with my friend, Marilyn, involved the concept of adapting, and how people differ in this regard. Some find it very easy to adapt to new terrain, and even embrace the changes that accompany the process. Others may suffer untenable anxiety, feeling they are upended and unable to find their equilibrium. Of course, like any bell curve, the majority of us are probably in the middle. Parsing this down even further, I began to think about the difference between accepting change, which of course, we must do repeatedly throughout our lives, versus adapting to a new and different environment. Adapting seems to be much more demanding and a greater investment. For example, the self-checkout aisles in the grocery store caused a major change in the way we paid for items, but we accepted the change and eventually, used the machines to quickly pay and leave the store. Adapting, however, presents a more major adjustment, such as moving to a new environment, attending college as a freshman, or even awakening from surgery with an ostomy.

What is the intrinsic chemistry that allows us to adapt or not? Is it a confidence level? Flexibility? A comfort level with change in general? Or is it an adventuresome spirit? Surely, it feels foolish to have ostomy and adventuresome spirit in the same blog, but I am expressing that some can look at life’s situations as a challenge that may be met with an interest in learning all one can and using the knowledge to navigate the waters with a spirit of enthusiasm to feel in control. Others may need more time and support to arrive at and adapt to their new situation.

This is personal to me right now, since I am moving from the state where I spent most of my life to a new state, and although I am one who loves change and a good challenge, I may find many obstacles not in my purview at the moment. Certainly, I will miss my dear family and friends in New Jersey. Blessed, however, with my sisters and brothers-in-law, as well as several new and wonderful friends already in Florida, my adapting should be manageable. With the capability of Zoom, I will be able to continue my involvement with my Ostomy community, to write my blogs (and connect more with my writing sisters) and even join other friends to play Mah Jongg and cards.

I am looking forward to 2023 as well as looking back at all that has happened to our country, our society, our family, friends, and myself. I even have a new Zodiac sign telling my horoscope. In case you haven’t heard, the Zodiac wheel has been changed and December 9th falls into Ophiuchus, the snake charmer/slayer. (To that point, I must state I have never met a snake I would want to charm, hold or even be near.) Live long enough and things change when you least expect them.

Wishing all a year of great joy, comfort, good health, and the ability to adapt to changes small and big. May all of your challenges be met with support and love from those around you,


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