I just turned off the television interview with the Chief of Police in Nashville. He was asked, for the umpteenth time, “What is the motive for the mass shooting that occurred on Monday at the Covenant Presbyterian Church/School?” Are we kidding? A motive indicates a reason, thought that goes into making a decision to act upon a thought. What could possibly be the motive, an explanation, for owning seven (including assault) weapons, firing through glass doors to a school/church, killing three adults including the school administrator, custodian and a substitute teacher, and, hold your breath, three 9 year-olds?

Police revealed the attack was targeted, since the shooter had attended the school and church. It involved prior planning, that she had detailed maps of the school. As I write this, police are looking at writings, a manifesto, the shooter left, in search of…yes, the motive. On what planet could there be an explanation that makes any sense, any sense at all?

Metro Nashville Police Chief John Drake told reporters that seven firearms were purchased from five different gun stores in Nashville. Three of the guns were used during the shooting at the school on Monday. Prepare yourself…she was armed with a handgun, a rifle and an AR-style pistol. Major carnage was obviously on her mind as she prepared herself to stand before children who attend pre-school and elementary school, look them in the eyes, and kill them!

What can I do with my frustration? How is that those of us with logical minds that respect life are the impotent ones, and those with death and destruction are in power? Where did all of this go wrong? I was a child of the 50’s and 60’s who covered my head during an air raid drill so as not to die during an atomic bomb blast. As absurd as that feels right now, it pales next to what is happening in our schools and on our streets today. Never would I have thought that foreign tyrants with their finger on “the button” would fall lower on the list terrorizing our beautiful young children, than a woman with a vendetta, who we assume actually had a motive!

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