It is really oppressive everywhere we seem to be. When we were in New Jersey, other than a rainy day that became a respite from the heat, it was noticeably hotter than usual. And in sunny Florida, we are truly beat by the heat. I was told by my physician when I discussed dehydration with him that in the southern states, it stays hot at night, as well as during the day, never cooling off, and that is the truth. So forewarned is forearmed.

If I have learned anything, it is to be respectful of the impact of the heat on our bodies. Whether dealing with a health issue or not, the body responds to high temperatures with a vengeance. Add in health issues, where the body is already compromised or fighting for homeostasis, more energy is required to cool down the body in extreme weather.

Maintaining your cool must be your objective. Many years ago, when I was an obsessed runner, the weather was immaterial to me. My run was all that mattered, and to that end, I took many chances. Fortunately, the impact of foolish decisions was not severe. I was healthy and young, and my determined goal was always in front of me. Get in that last mile, run a minute faster, burn those last few calories, prepare for a road race that weekend. Today, my goal is very different…remain well at any cost! What a difference when life has shown you what is truly important.

By now, you know how to stay cool, and for ostomates, that means always stay hydrated. Add Liquid IV (Passion Fruit flavor is the fave of most of us) to your water (available online or in pharmacies and even supermarkets) and up your fluid intake. The impact of dehydration on everyone, but more so on ileostomates, cannot be overstated. Our kidneys are at risk and that is not an easily managed situation. The consequences can mean a lifetime of dialysis.

Stay indoors in air conditioning as often as possible. That doesn’t mean not exercising, since that is something we can do anyplace. There are times when I simply walk around the house with my Audible book and get in my steps. Everything is doable if desired.

Please do not forget to apply and reapply sunscreen as often as indicated. My dermatology healthcare provider has recommended every four hours, right over makeup if necessary. I do my best, and perhaps, can do better. But I am religious about applying every day, simply to maintain the habit. People agonize about the SPF number, and my thought is that as long as you are at 30 and above, being attentive and habituated is the key.

Enjoy the summer months…they are fleeting. But this summer promises to be a record-setting one for heat, and although we treasure these lazy, hazy days, we want to be in a healthy place for the rest of the year.

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